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Who aRe We...

it all began by having a medium Persian cat that we adopted, we realized that cat is not only something to cuddle and to play with too but it also becoming friends to delete all the exhausted stuff. However this should be having good health condition.

Departed from hobby now it become a house of all cats ever need, we start from simple and basic item provided to support the needs of our Persian cat until we decide to grow a bit wider with many more stuffs to take care and maintain the health and beauty of the hair coat. By July 2011 - Candy Cat House on line officially in business with a very simple purpose which are here to help, to share and to update any good and worth information as knowledge of how can we give our cats the best that they can get, be it in food supplies, supplement, vitamins, shampoos, cat litter sands, ear treatment, eye treatment, cat nip dolls and a lot more. Candy cat House is not just a house of caring and loving our cats but also a house where your cat's health and needs is becoming main priority on top of everything.

So why should go distance while you can just pick up the phone? Why should drive along traffic while you can only start chat in your text messenger? Why should be panicking while you ran out of supplies when it is only just click a way to get into our blog or website to place your order then we sent it up to your door step?

We just love to provide great solution for your lovely cats and Candy Cat House makes your life more efficient, time saving and of course Candy Cat House supports you to Pamper your Lovely cats.

BlackCandy Cattery adalah salah satu Breeder Specialist Persian yg Berdomisili di Jakarta Selatan

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


♥♥ Jerob Shampoo "The Best Shampoo Fof Cat" ♥♥
♥ Cocoa butter shampoo
8oz = 380rb >> 16oz = 595rb >> 64oz = 2.025jt

♥ One step grease removing
8oz = 365rb >> 16 = 565rb >> 64oz = 1.9jt

♥ Parisian purple shampoo
8oz = 349rb >> 16 oz = 550rb >> 64oz = 1.8jt

♥ Texturizing shampoo
8oz = 375rb >> 16oz = 580rb >> 64oz = 1.9jt

♥ Herbal shampoo
8oz = 365rb >> 16oz = 565rb >> 64oz = 1.925jt

♥ Mahogany gold shampoo
8oz = 349rb >> 16oz = 550rb >> 64oz = 1.8jt

♥ Black in shampoo
8oz = 349rb >> 16oz = 550rb >> 64oz = 1.8jt

♥ Snowy blue shampoo
8oz = 349rb >> 16oz = 550rb >> 64oz = 1.8jt

♥ Creme rinse
8oz = 305rb >> 16oz = 455rb >> 64oz = 1.4jt

♥ Pre-cleaning creme
Harga = 415rb

♥ Texturizing spray
4oz = 250rb >> 8oz = 372.500

♥ everyday grooming
@ 4oz Harga : @ Rp 250.000,-
♥ waterless shampo
@ 4oz Harga : @ Rp 250.000,-
♥ antistat spray
@ 4oz Harga : @ Rp 250.000,-
♥ bay rum polish
@ 4oz Harga : @ Rp 250.000,-
♥ Stardust powder (white, black and red)
Harga : Rp 332.500,-
♥ b-clam
Harga : Rp 375.000,-

♥♥ One all system shampoo ♥♥
1all pure white lightening Shampoo
Hraga : Rp 250.000,- isi 473ml

1all Super Cleaning & cinditioning shampoo
Harga : Rp 250.000,- isi 473ml

♥♥ Tropiclean ♥♥
Tropiclean papaya
2in1 Harga : Rp 130.000,- isi 592ml

tropiclean kiwi conditioner
Harga : Rp 130.000,- isi : 592ml

Sebazol Shampoo Jamur
Harga : Rp 205.000,- Isi : 250ml

groomer's goop
14oz/396ml Harga Rp. 125.000,-
28oz/794ml Harga Rp. 190.000,-
2kg Harga Rp. 370.000,-
11kg Harga Rp. 1.900.000,-

3 komentar:

  1. Mba or mas saya kepingin bulu kucing yang saya punya kembali seperti ke awal pertama x saya beli kucing itu, sekarang wrna berubah jadi warna ke merah"n kaya anak kecil yg sering nguber" layangan putus di siang udah pasti rambut'a merah ga jelas gtu, hehehhee, boleh ga carikan shampoo yg bisa dan klw bisa dalam jangka waktu singkat gtu mba or mas kembali putih lg bulu kucing saya

    1. hallo.. untuk bertanya2 bisa langsung via wa ya mas thank you
