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Who aRe We...

it all began by having a medium Persian cat that we adopted, we realized that cat is not only something to cuddle and to play with too but it also becoming friends to delete all the exhausted stuff. However this should be having good health condition.

Departed from hobby now it become a house of all cats ever need, we start from simple and basic item provided to support the needs of our Persian cat until we decide to grow a bit wider with many more stuffs to take care and maintain the health and beauty of the hair coat. By July 2011 - Candy Cat House on line officially in business with a very simple purpose which are here to help, to share and to update any good and worth information as knowledge of how can we give our cats the best that they can get, be it in food supplies, supplement, vitamins, shampoos, cat litter sands, ear treatment, eye treatment, cat nip dolls and a lot more. Candy cat House is not just a house of caring and loving our cats but also a house where your cat's health and needs is becoming main priority on top of everything.

So why should go distance while you can just pick up the phone? Why should drive along traffic while you can only start chat in your text messenger? Why should be panicking while you ran out of supplies when it is only just click a way to get into our blog or website to place your order then we sent it up to your door step?

We just love to provide great solution for your lovely cats and Candy Cat House makes your life more efficient, time saving and of course Candy Cat House supports you to Pamper your Lovely cats.

BlackCandy Cattery adalah salah satu Breeder Specialist Persian yg Berdomisili di Jakarta Selatan

Rabu, 28 Desember 2016



Menjelang Hari Raya Idul Fitri dan Libur Anak Sekolah yang semakin dekat banyak rencana pastinya bagi para catlovers baik untuk yang merayakannya atau yang memanfaatkan libur panjang untuk jalan-jalan bersama keluarga baik ke luar kota, pulau, bahkan mungkin ke luar negri.

Kami Menyediakan Rumah Penitipan Khusus Untuk Kucing segala umur (TIDAK DI CAMPUR HEWAN LAIN),
Kucing yang di titipkan di tempat kami akan di Jaga dengan sangat Baik, Dan Para Pemilik Kucing akan Mendapat Up-Date keadaan dan Foto Mreka seminggu 2x selama Di tinggal Mudik atau Bepergian.

Tempat kami siap menjadi "RUMAH KEDUA" atau "RUMAH SEMENTARA" bagi kucing kesayangan Anda. Kami akan memberikan perawatan dan pemeliharaan yang terbaik bagi kucing kesayangan Anda.

Detail Penitipan Sebagai Berikut :

1. Biaya Penitipan di atas umur 3bln = Rp. 80.000,-/hari (Makanan Bawa sendiri)

2. Biaya Penitipan di bawah umur 3bln = Rp. 75.000,-/hari (Makanan Bawa sendiri)

3. FREE Grooming Utk Penitipan Lebih dari 10hari (Tidak berlaku akumulatif)

4. Kucing Harus dalam Kondisi sehat, bersih(sdh grooming) dan Sudah Di Vaksin

5. Terima Jasa antar Jemput dng kententuan

- Biaya antar jemput di luar dr biaya Penitipan

- Biaya di Tentukan dari jarak/lokasi

6. Buku Vaksin Harus Di bawa Pd saat Menitipkan.

7. Kami Berhak menolak kucing yang sedang sakit utk di titip di Tempat kami karna mempertimbangkan kesehatan kucing-kucing yang lain.

8. Ruangan Khusus Dengan Fasilitas AC 24 Jam

Keterangan Lebih Lanjut Bisa MenghuBungi :

Jl. Pejaten Barat Raya No. 5Ch
Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 081381222284/08118770224
Jl. M.Kafi 1 No.2
Ciganjur Jakarta Selatan
Email :

Salam hangat kami,
Candy Cat House Petshop